Saturday, May 22, 2010

Who's the Winner of American Idol '10? FINAL 2

This Wednesday, May 19, the results were just all too predictable. The 2 people that actually have a desire, and confidence that they can win are Lee and Crystal not Casey. Casey was just bewildered to even be in the Top 3. He never really had high expectations for himself and didn't think he was capable of making it this far; the top 3! He knew that it would be him to go home, and not Lee or Crystal. Plus if you saw the videos of when the top 3 came home, I think all the people there to welcome Casey were all girls. That's what I saw, take a look, tell me if you can spot a man. That already limits who is voting for him. But you have to give a lot of the blame to Cara and Randy, for picking such a lame, same range, boring, dull love song for Casey to sing. Don't they get that, that music is not for Casey. It didn't have any pizazz. Crystal and Lee's did have fun upbeat tempos. I agreed with what Simon said on that Tuesday. But any how, you knew there was no chance of Casey being at a higher stage than Lee or Crystal. To continue, Casey never did really become confident on the stage. That is a key element to sucess and Casey just didn't get it. He knew it was him as well. On results night there wasn't even a dramatic effect when Ryan announced that Casey was no competing to be a winner. SO VOTE!!!!!! Its CRYSTAL OR LEE. WHO WILL BE YOUR NEXT AMERICAN IDOL FOR SEASON 9. an GOODBYE SIMON COWELL? STAY TUNED I HAVE A LOT TO WRITE FOR WEDNESDAY NIGHT's WINNER AND MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. vote on my blog and I have a lot 2 say about who the winner will be.
