Wednesday, August 11, 2010

These EXTRAODINARY past 4 days

Bloggers-please read this! I guarantee it will be worth reading! These previous 4 days have been so much fun for me, and I wanted to share my experiences with you!

Camel Beach:
On Saturday, I called up my bffl Sarah(from Sachel) to ask her to come to Camel Beach with me. As planned, she said yes, and we headed to the waterpark with my Dad and little sister. When we jumped out of the car, their were grins on our faces, and our eyes bulged out when we saw the waterpark. Then we put on sunscreen! Safety first!! At last, we headed towards the "green slide." How to carry the tubes up was a mystery, but we ended up up carrying them up to the top anyways. The slide was certainly fun, but we all could use more of a challenge. At that point, we headed for the ultimate favorite, "black slide", hopefully you figured out it was pitch black. No offence, green slide, but the black slide was so much better. We also went on this relaxing tubing thing. It wasn't much of a ride, but my sister was obsessed with it. Later, we went on a red slide, white slide, 4 people fun purplish slide, and of coarse the toilet bowl ride, and bumber boats. It was a long day. We all had lunch and 2 snacks thanks to my dad! So, In conclusion, it was a pretty awesome day at camel beach!

Rhode Island:

For 2 days, my family and I headed North unlike most people and went to Rhode Island. Our mini vacation there was so much fun and we all plan on coming back in the fall. We stayed at a nice bed and breakfast that had a gorgeous view. My favorite part of the trip was by far the beaches. The food, weather, and views were great too. The really incredible, remarkable part about Rhode Island was that the beaches are IN the Atlantic Ocean! They are amazing and I loved it there!!!! I'm going back Rhode Island...not to mention when we were crossing over to Connectictut we opened up the windows and yelled, "See ya later Rhode Island." Rhode Island was like another home! I love the smallest state:RH!

Met's Game @ City Field
Please-don't skip this if you're not a Met's me I'm not either. In fact, I'm a Yankees fan!!!!!(yankees are sooooo...much better!) But with my chorus this year(NOT a school chorus) we were given the opportunity to perform the National Anthem at city field! I wouldn't want to ever pass this opportunity up. So over the summer we the chorus practiced. My section had to sing the harmony and I was all for it! I was excited to learn something new atleast. Together, the choir sounded really cool.---Then I woke up. Today was Tuesday and It would be the day we performed there. My mom drove me to the bus and the chorus left with grins on their faces. I was tingling inside. I also talked about it with my friends on the bus. They were thrilled too. When we got there, we were taken to our changing room. Everyone was tingly and energetic. This was going to be amazing.
Later on we were given a tour of the building EVERYTHING!!!! The party area, Mr Met's room(just his door), the techy stuff(really cool), all the food stations, and more. It was fascinating. Then we took a break and went to do a test run. We stood on the quiet field, with the players practicing behind us. Then...the sound began. The lovely choir's voices filled the stadium with perfect pitch and tone. It echoed. I also laughed while doing this. I couldn't believe what was happening. Joy sprung beside me. I was jubilant and ready for the real thing.
-prep time
"time to perform."
I walked on to the field to find my parents and older cousin in the second row of seats with the camera. I quickly waved and then tried to focus and be serious. I laughed a little at the thought of doing this. This was an awesome experience. The crowd wasn't even to packed(it would be if we were singing at for the Yankees)anyways, I wasn't nervous, just exhilirated. This was unbelivable-what I was able to experience.***
Then we sang. I started to sing beautiful harmony to the national anthem. My eyes and ears lit up. It! Wow. Wish I could of seen myself on the "jumbo screen!" Then the song ended and the players were ready to play baseball. This would be something I remembered forever. We exited the stadium and the choir went to watch the game in some high up seats, meanwhile I sat with my family in 5th row seats with some nice food service. We left towards the end of the game and headed home. Wow...
Those were some extraordinary past 4 days!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm back

I'm back from camp!!!!! Did you miss me..of coarse you did bloggers. It's been 5 weeks since I've been on my blog! Anyways, camp was SO much fun. There were so many activities to do. Seriously, I can't name all of them. As well, some of my best friends were made at camp this summer! Actually A LOT of bffls were made!
I got home on Monday, and was truly ecstatic to see my family. I missed them so terribly! Furthermore, I really just wanted to make you aware that..."I'm back", and can go back to normal and write posts. Plus-enjoy the rest of my summer!!
See you later bloggers!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Sting

"Yeah, I've never got stung in my life." Today I couldn't of said this common quote of mine because...A WASP STUNG ME TODAY! It was this morning, I was in the garden, putting my scooter away with joy in my face, feeling jubilant as ever, when, in my Adidas sandals, my left foot and toes launched downward, pressing on the sandal,
when I felt the shock beneath my foot. It was like a shot, fortunately it wasn't "so" excruciating. The black and yellow striped devil, awkwardly sitting between 4 or 5 spikes; it was nestled quite tightly in the sandal. There was no time to think though, rapidly I shrieked a piercing sound, and began to hop on one foot, and have tears leak down. My mom was bewildered. She paused, and wondered what possibly could be happening. Then, I projected my voice and said, "Oh my gosh, I think I just got stung by a bee!! Ouch, it hurts!" I mumbled on, and my mom brought me inside and got me some ice, and told me it was a "wasp" that stung me. She went on the computer and looked up how to cure stings. I was grateful because I wasn't allergic to wasps. I knew most of my pain was coming from the "surprise" of getting stung. Actually, to be honest, I was glad that I finally had the experience of being stung. Weird..I know. After 20 minutes it didn't even hurt. BTW, I'm still not afraid of wasps, and I never will be, but I will try not to step on one ever again, it is painful and annoying!!! I'm not the person that runs away from the wasps/bees!!!(stupid...don't do that!) Alright, you've heard enough. "Bee" conscious!!! Ha ha...unfunny I know! Bye, and enjoy SUMMER!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer awaits!

I can smell the chlorine, not necessarily the greatest smell in the world, but it makes me ecstatic to finally know that summer is beginning. I abruptly tie my hair up into a high pony tail, slip on my Adidas sandals, and splash my face with the cleansing water. I except my physical appearance and I am amused with my funny facial expressions that reflect to the mirror. This is a good feeling. School is finally coming to an end, but I will still dread the half days, and the last 2 weeks. My hair is turning to more of my red shade instead of the brown. I'm getting more sleep, and waking up earlier. I do have the time to eat breakfast, unlike most of my friends, and I start each day with a wide grin(OK, not always, I have the cranky early morning (6:00 wakeups), but still. Things are getting better. In LAR we watched "Mean Girls" how unrealistic. Hopefully my grades are B+ or above on my final report card, but I'm not 100% sure that will be the case. He he. Now I'm mainly focusing on my lovely summer and sleep away camp. Oh, I just want it to begin. Bye school...summer awaits! On weekends the pool is open at my gym, and when we have the fortunate time to go, we go. I love the water fun! Skipping ahead, On a Friday, I walked home from school. But there were stupid boys in my way. They are so ornery. They had hoses and were like spraying people who walked by or even cars who drove bye. This was me, "Are you serious." I saw them planning to get me, so then I turned myself around in a different direction. As much as I wanted to be sprayed, (It was 90 degrees!) I even more so didn't want to get caught in the situation or be embarrassed. I just avoided the nerds! Then when I finally got home, I instantly stretched myself out on my icy couch and got a glass of water! June can wait that long Rachel...June 24th! I tell myself this. I want it to end, I want to go to camp, I wanna go in the water, I even want to get the feel of putting on sunscreen! I want our garden to grow even more. My mom is so good at gardening. When I walk home, waiting for me are green beans, blueberries(that still need to ripen but sometimes I eat them sour), strawberries, chives, chard, lettuce, radishes, peppers, and some herbs! Fresh..I like! After reading this much already, your are probably thinking, "pretty chaotic," if you are, then you are correct. Teachers are handing out so many quizzes all of a sudden this week, then sometimes we barely do anything in class? I don't get it! Nonplussed! But whatever the school year is winding down, and I'm trying hard not to complain. People are asking for camp addresses...exciting! Anyways, I bet your tired of hearing about my wait for summer already. Or not! Enjoy your summer. Hopefully your idea of fun is not math camp! See you...? Summer awaits!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Everybody watching American Idol knew this day would come, between Lee and Crystal. This is one of the few times where both contestants are guaranteed to have a great career, regardless of whether they are the winner or not. Personally, I didn't think it even mattered who won, because they are both going to pursue their dreams and musical abilities. That being said, Crystal defiantly put her all into her performance on Tuesday night. In fact, she sounded a million times better than Lee, but Lee obviously won the popularity and sympathy vote. To continue on, Lee had performed extremely well many times, which had got him to this point, but Tuesday night, he pretty much sucked, and Crystal deserved it more than him. A lot of people were routing for Lee, and when I watched the episode, I was saying to myself, "It's over for Lee, Crystal's going to win." Crystal was shocked, Lee was shocked, and America was shocked. Lee did want it the most though. Crystal almost quit the competition, and wasn't even sure she was going to try out. Crystal did amazingly on Tuesday, and it was her best. Lee was more nervous than usual, I could tell. Lee and Crystal will both have good singing careers. Moving on, Simon Cowell... I don't know what the show will be like without him? We need the criticism. When Paula Abdul came out, it was awkward. When she was shown in the tapes she was well-spoken. Some of the videos about Simon Cowell were funny, others were stupid and so not funny that I had to hold my ears. Also there was only a 2% difference between the amount of votes Lee and Crystal received. Lee did win though. The "paint sales man." Lee did get nice compliments from Simon Cowell. Simon may have been trying to help Lee out, and was nice considering how "lame" Lee sounded. As a matter of fact, Simon may have said some of the nicest things to Lee Dewyze because he said it was his last time he was going to ever judge Lee. America did decide that...LEE DEWYZE WINS!!!!! Crystal was the runner up. So no more American Idol Buzz Reviews from Player 9 anymore until next season! See you soon bloggers! LEE WINS AMERICAN IDOL SEASON 9! Bye!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Who's the Winner of American Idol '10? FINAL 2

This Wednesday, May 19, the results were just all too predictable. The 2 people that actually have a desire, and confidence that they can win are Lee and Crystal not Casey. Casey was just bewildered to even be in the Top 3. He never really had high expectations for himself and didn't think he was capable of making it this far; the top 3! He knew that it would be him to go home, and not Lee or Crystal. Plus if you saw the videos of when the top 3 came home, I think all the people there to welcome Casey were all girls. That's what I saw, take a look, tell me if you can spot a man. That already limits who is voting for him. But you have to give a lot of the blame to Cara and Randy, for picking such a lame, same range, boring, dull love song for Casey to sing. Don't they get that, that music is not for Casey. It didn't have any pizazz. Crystal and Lee's did have fun upbeat tempos. I agreed with what Simon said on that Tuesday. But any how, you knew there was no chance of Casey being at a higher stage than Lee or Crystal. To continue, Casey never did really become confident on the stage. That is a key element to sucess and Casey just didn't get it. He knew it was him as well. On results night there wasn't even a dramatic effect when Ryan announced that Casey was no competing to be a winner. SO VOTE!!!!!! Its CRYSTAL OR LEE. WHO WILL BE YOUR NEXT AMERICAN IDOL FOR SEASON 9. an GOODBYE SIMON COWELL? STAY TUNED I HAVE A LOT TO WRITE FOR WEDNESDAY NIGHT's WINNER AND MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sachel roxx

OMG, so excited now my best friend and I have started a Sachel Blog. Its pretty awesome. We both are really talented and I think it's great that we can share are unique talents with all of you bloggers. Please try to become a follower and leave questions or comments and we will answer you immediately. If you want to contact each of us separately, obviously you can contact me at, and then her web address is Finally the place if you want to contact Sachel! But don't worry bloggers of coarse I will still be on my Player 9 blog!!! It's mine!!! It's fantastic!! But this will be a great experience too.